
Sustainable Procurement Is Procurement

I nestled into the Head of Consulting role in 2019, this role encompassed many things, one of the main priorities was to champion the Sustainable Choice program and the lovey ladies that make it all happen. Whilst I would support all products that come under my purview, sustainability including recycling, reuse, green solutions, saving our […]

Sustainable Procurement Is Procurement Read More »

I nestled into the Head of Consulting role in 2019, this role encompassed many things, one of the main priorities was to champion the Sustainable Choice program and the lovey ladies that make it all happen. Whilst I would support all products that come under my purview, sustainability including recycling, reuse, green solutions, saving our

Webinar – The Role of Council Procurement in Disaster Recovery

LGP Consulting brings to you quarterly webinars on topical subjects which may help in your professional career. Access to these webinars is by invitation only! Our webinar will focus on ‘The Role of Council Procurement in Disaster Recovery’ The role of council procurement in natural disaster recovery is crucial in ensuring efficient and effective response and

Webinar – The Role of Council Procurement in Disaster Recovery Read More »

LGP Consulting brings to you quarterly webinars on topical subjects which may help in your professional career. Access to these webinars is by invitation only! Our webinar will focus on ‘The Role of Council Procurement in Disaster Recovery’ The role of council procurement in natural disaster recovery is crucial in ensuring efficient and effective response and

Sustainable Procurement and ISO 20400

Sustainable procurement isn’t just about being ‘green’, nor is it limited to environmental impacts. Sustainable procurement is about good business practice that focusses on socially and ethically responsible procurement delivering value for money solutions that create positive environmental and social impact. Sustainable procurement is protecting the environment, strengthening local economies and supporting communities. It better

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Sustainable procurement isn’t just about being ‘green’, nor is it limited to environmental impacts. Sustainable procurement is about good business practice that focusses on socially and ethically responsible procurement delivering value for money solutions that create positive environmental and social impact. Sustainable procurement is protecting the environment, strengthening local economies and supporting communities. It better

Sustainability Filters in LGP Contracts

LGP has assigned Sustainability Filter Tags to some of its contracts. Going forward each new contract will have Sustainability Filter Tags assigned through the tender process. The filters cover a range of sustainability elements and are visible in VendorPanel when purchasing through LGP Contracts. They highlight to buyers those suppliers that can provide better sustainability

Sustainability Filters in LGP Contracts Read More »

LGP has assigned Sustainability Filter Tags to some of its contracts. Going forward each new contract will have Sustainability Filter Tags assigned through the tender process. The filters cover a range of sustainability elements and are visible in VendorPanel when purchasing through LGP Contracts. They highlight to buyers those suppliers that can provide better sustainability

NSW EV Destination Charging Grants

The NSW Government’s commitment to achieving the net zero emissions is translating into action. A $20 million government grant fund has been announced to support the rollout of EV chargers at tourist destinations across regional NSW. This means that all tourist destinations run by councils are eligible for the funding. This funding is open until

NSW EV Destination Charging Grants Read More »

The NSW Government’s commitment to achieving the net zero emissions is translating into action. A $20 million government grant fund has been announced to support the rollout of EV chargers at tourist destinations across regional NSW. This means that all tourist destinations run by councils are eligible for the funding. This funding is open until

Moving into FOGO? LGP Can Help

The NSW Government’s Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WaSM) requires all councils in NSW to provide food and garden organics (FOGO) collections to all of their households by 2030. Some councils already provide FOGO services to their residents, but many others now have less than eight years to work through the complexities of providing

Moving into FOGO? LGP Can Help Read More »

The NSW Government’s Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WaSM) requires all councils in NSW to provide food and garden organics (FOGO) collections to all of their households by 2030. Some councils already provide FOGO services to their residents, but many others now have less than eight years to work through the complexities of providing

LGP’s Modern Slavery Toolkit

LGP has developed a modern slavery toolkit for Councils New legislative requirements requiring councils to take steps to ensure the goods and services they procure are not the product of modern slavery, will take effect from 1 July 2022. From 1 July 2022, under the NSW Local Government Act 1993, all NSW councils will be

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LGP has developed a modern slavery toolkit for Councils New legislative requirements requiring councils to take steps to ensure the goods and services they procure are not the product of modern slavery, will take effect from 1 July 2022. From 1 July 2022, under the NSW Local Government Act 1993, all NSW councils will be

Vestone Capital’s Carbon Offset Initiative

Vestone Capital’s Environmental Partnership with Greenfleet At Vestone Capital, we recognise the importance for our business to take environmental action, reduce the impact that we have and to contribute towards sustainable development. We are committed to working towards a greener and sustainable future. Vestone Capital is proud to be partnering with Greenfleet, a leading not-for-profit

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Vestone Capital’s Environmental Partnership with Greenfleet At Vestone Capital, we recognise the importance for our business to take environmental action, reduce the impact that we have and to contribute towards sustainable development. We are committed to working towards a greener and sustainable future. Vestone Capital is proud to be partnering with Greenfleet, a leading not-for-profit

Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey

It is time again for the Sustainable Choice Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey. The survey follows the core elements of the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement guidance standard and provides valuable information that will be used to generate an individual and confidential Scorecard for your Council. The Scorecard will be accompanied with a Performance Report and together

Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey Read More »

It is time again for the Sustainable Choice Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey. The survey follows the core elements of the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement guidance standard and provides valuable information that will be used to generate an individual and confidential Scorecard for your Council. The Scorecard will be accompanied with a Performance Report and together

Introducing Bronwyn Challis

Who am I? I grew up in the Sutherland Shire in Sydney, where I lived until moving to Lismore in the early 2000s to finish my degree. I loved living there but moved back to Sydney to get married and have children. About 10 years ago we decided to take the plunge and move back

Introducing Bronwyn Challis Read More »

Who am I? I grew up in the Sutherland Shire in Sydney, where I lived until moving to Lismore in the early 2000s to finish my degree. I loved living there but moved back to Sydney to get married and have children. About 10 years ago we decided to take the plunge and move back

Modern Slavery Resources

The end of the 22/23 financial year marks the end of the first reporting period for councils in relation to modern slavery. This means that you are more than likely starting to think about what you will be including in your Modern Slavery Statement in your council’s Annual Report for 22/23. As of 1 July

Modern Slavery Resources Read More »

The end of the 22/23 financial year marks the end of the first reporting period for councils in relation to modern slavery. This means that you are more than likely starting to think about what you will be including in your Modern Slavery Statement in your council’s Annual Report for 22/23. As of 1 July

ISO20400 Sustainable Procurement Training

Are you wanting to optimise procurement to gain best value for money and meet sustainability goals, including: net zero targets, reducing environmental impacts, gaining social value, increasing local spend and employment, increasing supplier diversity, modern slavery prevention, and implementing a circular economy? ISO 20400, the international standard for sustainable procurement, is an internationally recognised framework

ISO20400 Sustainable Procurement Training Read More »

Are you wanting to optimise procurement to gain best value for money and meet sustainability goals, including: net zero targets, reducing environmental impacts, gaining social value, increasing local spend and employment, increasing supplier diversity, modern slavery prevention, and implementing a circular economy? ISO 20400, the international standard for sustainable procurement, is an internationally recognised framework

Modern Slavery Latest Figures

Walk Free, an international human rights group that focusses on the eradication of modern slavery, has released its latest Global Slavery Index report. A global study that provides a picture of modern slavery as it exists across industries and countries. Concerningly, the global estimate of people living in modern slavery has increased by 10 million.

Modern Slavery Latest Figures Read More »

Walk Free, an international human rights group that focusses on the eradication of modern slavery, has released its latest Global Slavery Index report. A global study that provides a picture of modern slavery as it exists across industries and countries. Concerningly, the global estimate of people living in modern slavery has increased by 10 million.

Webinar – Reducing Modern Slavery risks in Council Supply Chains

LGP Consulting Products Webinar Series “Reducing modern slavery risks in council supply chains.” The first annual reporting period for modern slavery will very soon end and many councils are grappling with how they can effectively reduce the risk of modern slavery occurring within their supply chains. Under new legislation that came into effect on 1

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LGP Consulting Products Webinar Series “Reducing modern slavery risks in council supply chains.” The first annual reporting period for modern slavery will very soon end and many councils are grappling with how they can effectively reduce the risk of modern slavery occurring within their supply chains. Under new legislation that came into effect on 1

LGP Regional Training- Tamworth (28 June)

Attend training course/s locally.  Plan and Enrol Now.   We have received a mixed response around the course/s of interest from the region so far. Depending on the registrations received over the coming weeks, we will take a call on the course/s to be delivered. If the number permits, we can possibly run course/s on Day

LGP Regional Training- Tamworth (28 June) Read More »

Attend training course/s locally.  Plan and Enrol Now.   We have received a mixed response around the course/s of interest from the region so far. Depending on the registrations received over the coming weeks, we will take a call on the course/s to be delivered. If the number permits, we can possibly run course/s on Day

Willoughby City Council Addressing Modern Slavery Risk in Procurement

Following the introduction of the NSW Modern Slavery Amendment Act 2021, NSW councils from 1 July 2022 must take reasonable steps to ensure that goods and services procured by and for the council are not the product of modern slavery. Additionally, a council’s annual report must contain a statement of the steps taken. In response

Willoughby City Council Addressing Modern Slavery Risk in Procurement Read More »

Following the introduction of the NSW Modern Slavery Amendment Act 2021, NSW councils from 1 July 2022 must take reasonable steps to ensure that goods and services procured by and for the council are not the product of modern slavery. Additionally, a council’s annual report must contain a statement of the steps taken. In response

LGP Procurement Capability Grant Fund 2023 – Update

We are delighted to share that the response received for the LGP Procurement Capability Grant Fund 2023 program has been phenomenal. Submissions for our 2nd release have now closed, and we are pleased to inform that the number of applications has doubled from last year! Incredibly we have received 67 submissions valued at more than

LGP Procurement Capability Grant Fund 2023 – Update Read More »

We are delighted to share that the response received for the LGP Procurement Capability Grant Fund 2023 program has been phenomenal. Submissions for our 2nd release have now closed, and we are pleased to inform that the number of applications has doubled from last year! Incredibly we have received 67 submissions valued at more than

Introducing John Pennock, Business Development Management – South

Who am I? I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney, as an adult I had the opportunity to spend several years in the UK. I have English parent’s but my reason to travel was because of my now wife of many years. I’m usually found not far from the coast, seek out live music

Introducing John Pennock, Business Development Management – South Read More »

Who am I? I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney, as an adult I had the opportunity to spend several years in the UK. I have English parent’s but my reason to travel was because of my now wife of many years. I’m usually found not far from the coast, seek out live music

LGP Sustainable Procurement Survey Analysis

Every year, LGP’s Sustainable Choice program invites councils to participate in an annual survey to assess their progress on embedding sustainability into procurement. The results, together with recommendations for action, are provided to councils in confidential, individualised reports. Since 2017, the annual survey has been designed to align with the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Guidance

LGP Sustainable Procurement Survey Analysis Read More »

Every year, LGP’s Sustainable Choice program invites councils to participate in an annual survey to assess their progress on embedding sustainability into procurement. The results, together with recommendations for action, are provided to councils in confidential, individualised reports. Since 2017, the annual survey has been designed to align with the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Guidance