Sustainable Procurement and ISO 20400

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Sustainable Procurement and ISO 20400

Sustainable procurement isn’t just about being ‘green’, nor is it limited to environmental impacts. Sustainable procurement is about good business practice that focusses on socially and ethically responsible procurement delivering value for money solutions that create positive environmental and social impact.

Sustainable procurement is protecting the environment, strengthening local economies and supporting communities. It better enables councils to meet their sustainability goals, including:

• net zero targets,
• reducing environmental impacts,
• gaining social value,
• increasing local spend and employment,
• increasing supplier diversity,
• modern slavery prevention, and
• implementing a circular economy.

ISO 20400 is the international standard for sustainable procurement that provides guidance to organisations, independent of size or sector, on integrating sustainability into their procurement activities and processes.

LGP has developed and delivers ISO 20400 training. The training is a full day course designed to provide participants with an understanding of the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement guidance standard and how it can be used to embed sustainable procurement. It covers how to analyse a council’s current sustainable procurement framework, identify drivers for sustainable procurement and how to define a sustainable procurement strategy.

The course is interactive and includes a number of workshops. It is delivered as either a public course, where individuals can register to attend, or onsite at your premises for a maximum of 20 participants.

Please register your interest here.

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