Local Government Procurement

Modern Slavery Resources

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Modern Slavery Resources

The end of the 22/23 financial year marks the end of the first reporting period for councils in relation to modern slavery. This means that you are more than likely starting to think about what you will be including in your Modern Slavery Statement in your council’s Annual Report for 22/23.

As of 1 July 2022, all NSW councils must take reasonable steps to ensure that the goods and services they procure are not the product of modern slavery. If, like many councils, you are struggling with how to respond to this new legislative requirement, LGP has a number of resources to help.

What is LGP doing to help councils implement modern slavery prevention measures?

Modern Slavery Risk Assessment of LGP Contracts

We undertake an annual modern slavery risk assessment across all its panel contracts. From the outcome of the assessment all Approved Contractors are assigned a modern slavery risk rating of either low, moderate or high. These risk ratings and are displayed as Supplier Intelligence (SI) badges in Vendorpanel and can be seen when creating an RFx under an LGP Contract. Use of these risk ratings means that the process of distributing, collecting and assessing modern slavery questionnaires from suppliers has already been done for you.

Modern Slavery Risk Assessment of Council Suppliers

Based on our developed and tested methodology, LGP is able to undertake a modern slavery risk assessment of council suppliers very cost-effectively. Contact us for details.

Modern Slavery Toolkit for Councils

We have developed an online Modern Slavery Toolkit that provides resources to assist councils to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks.

Modern Slavery Awareness Training

We can deliver Modern Slavery Awareness Training to councils. This training can be tailored to include specific content relating to what your council is doing to detect and prevent slavery in Council’s supply chain and any obligations/requirements relating to staff. Contact us.

If you are wanting to provide Modern Slavery Awareness Training to your contractors, we can also do this.

Modern Slavery Toolkit for SMEs

LGP has developed an online Modern Slavery Toolkit to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It provides resources to assist your SME contractors to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks.


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