2023 Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey

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2023 Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey

It is time again for the Sustainable Choice Annual Sustainable Procurement Survey. The survey follows the core elements of the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement guidance standard and provides valuable information and statistics on progress in relation to embedding sustainability into the procurement process.

The survey has been sent to General Managers at all councils with an accompanying letter outlining further details.

Participation in the survey is free. Each council that completes the survey, will be provided the sector wide results.

Councils wanting to take this opportunity to gain valuable insight into their council’s sustainable procurement progress, can opt for either of the following fee-based options.

Comparison of individual council performance against sector average – $400 (+GST)

You will be provided with a confidential, brief one-page report that graphically presents your council’s individual performance against each of the elements of ISO 20400 compared to the sector wide average for each element. This provides a useful snapshot that gives a high-level indication of how well your council is tracking in sustainable procurement, without providing detailed analysis of the results or recommendations for progress and future improvement.

Sustainable Procurement Scorecard – $1,200 (+GST)

Your survey responses will be used to generate an individual and confidential Sustainable Procurement Scorecard for your Council. The Scorecard will be accompanied with a Performance Report and together they provide an ISO20400 Health Check for your council. The Performance Report will provide valuable recommendations identifying and assisting your council to focus on the areas of sustainable procurement where progress would provide the most benefit to Council. This report will, where available, also include a comparison of progress to your survey results from previous years. This option provides an affordable and effective way to track progress in sustainable procurement.

The Scorecard can be used to highlight to key stakeholders, including ratepayers and your community, Council’s commitment to and progress in sustainable procurement. Committing to sustainable procurement is an effective and strategic way that councils can address climate change, net zero commitments, circular economy, the impacts of the recycling crisis, modern slavery risks, local economic growth and Community Strategic Plan objectives.

Please contact us if you would like to know more. 


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