Local Government Procurement

Modern Slavery Toolkit for SMEs

Modern Slavery Toolkit for SMEs

LGP has developed an online Modern Slavery Toolkit to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks. The Toolkit is available for a small one-off fee of $250 (+GST), which includes ongoing access to current available resources and any future updates and additional resources developed. Currently included in the Toolkit are the following resources:

  • Educational factsheet for distribution to employees that contains key information on what modern slavery is, how to identify it, why action is needed, and tips to reduce risk.
  • Questionnaire for use when engaging suppliers or buying products.
  • Modern Slavery Prevention Policy template.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct template.
  • Internal modern slavery training PowerPoint template.
  • Supply chain mapping and risk assessment template.
  • Pre-purchase modern slavery risk checklist.

If you would like to purchase access to the Toolkit, please register your interest here.

Request a Quote​

Contact the LGP Consulting Team or call 02 8270 8747 or complete the online form to request a quote for services.

    Project Details

    Have specifications/scope of the project been developed? If not, the customer is responsible for developing these requirements. *

    Is the project a re-tender of an existing contract? *

    Are there any other Council’s or organisations that may want to participate to increase leverage and lower costs? *
    NoYesNot Applicable

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