Strategic Procurement Solutions

We deliver Solutions using Strategic Procurement

Welcome to Strategic Procurement Solutions. Our mission is, to lift, educate and enhance strategic & sustainable procurement capabilities in local government sector.
We understand the unique challenges you face and strive to empower you with the expertise needed to navigate complex procurement landscapes effectively.
With a wealth of experience and expertise, we are uniquely positioned to optimise your resources and elevate your capabilities. Our commitment lies in freeing up precious resources, allowing you to focus on your core functions while we handle the complexities and challenges of procurement.
Whether you require assistance in optimising procurement strategies, safeguarding your reputation, or enhancing your procurement capabilities, Strategic Procurement Solutions is here to support you every step of the way.

Strategic & Operational Procurement

Using our experience and expertise to review what you have and help you achieve what you want
We have the skills to dive in deep to review and develop your procurement strategies, policies and procedures. We can also review your current procurement documents to bring them in line with procurement best practice principles or create new ones from scratch
We are highly skilled at identifying where improvements can be made, money saved and best practices, compliance and governance confidently implemented.
Procurement as a Service (PaaS)

From inception to implementation – we can assist.
Let us organise the teams and resources you need to get your project running smoothly – from planning, executing, and coordinating resources to defining the scope of the project.

Probity & Audit Services

Our team guide you through the potential risks
We lead you through the procurement risks and pitfalls. We ensure that you meet your responsibilities under the relevant regulations, legislations, tendering guidelines. We help you clearly outline the duties within your project leading to reduced risk and successful outcomes.
Our high-level probity service means you get the best advice on your current projects to minimise risks and better serve your members.
Let us help you on your current project, so you can apply our recommendations for continual improvement on future projects.
Procurement Transformation

Strategic Procurement Solutions can assist you. We can bring you the strategic procurement expertise to build strategic procurement in your organisation. We can deliver services and provide knowledge transfer to upskill your staff.

RFX Development & Facilitation

Our Team can guide you through the RFx process
We help you develop the documents that make your tendering process run smoothly from beginning to end – from risk assessments and probity plans to recommendation reports and procurement guidelines. Once the tender is closed, we also advise you on how to best evaluate submissions and draw up contracts.
We use best practice principles in procurement and tendering, so your council or organisation uses funds wisely to serve your communities.
Want to find out more? Start the conversation today.
Project Management as a Service (PMaaS)

From inception to implementation – we can assist
Let us organise the teams and resources you need to get your project running smoothly – from planning, executing and coordinating resources to defining the scope of the project.
We’re here to help.

Contract Management as a Service (CMaaS)

Our team helps organise your contract needs as you grow
Setting up contracts can be a smooth process with our help.
Be confident that your contracts meet compliance and governance requirements from the start.
You decide how much involvement we have in your project from a short phone call to full contract management.
Bespoke Training & Awareness Programs

Strategic Procurement Solutions will work with you to design and deliver outcomes you need.
We can incorporate your policies, procedures and messaging to create targeted learning. We can create info-sessions for your local suppliers, your internal customers or your staff. We can deliver one-off hosted events to sculptured videography that can be uploaded to any number of media lor social media solutions of your choice.

Modern Slavery Toolkits

We have developed Modern Slavery Toolkits for councils and contractors.
Our online Modern Slavery Toolkit for councils provides resources to assist councils to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks. Enabling councils to respond to legislative requirements.
Our online Modern Slavery Toolkit for contractors provides resources to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risks.
Social Procurement Toolkit for Council

We has developed a Social Procurement Toolkit for council.
Social procurement for local government means using councils’ purchasing power to generate social benefits such as employment, training and education opportunities for local communities and individuals experiencing circumstantial barriers to employment.
Many councils have plans to implement social procurement. Local employment, local economic growth and social value creation for their community is of high importance.
To assist councils in social procurement, LGP has developed a Social Procurement Toolkit for council.

LGP Procurement & Contract Management Hub

Everything you need in one place.
This program empowers you to easily answer questions by looking at a single dashboard – from project spend, supplier details and KPIs to when a contract starts and finishes.
This program enables your council or organisation to plan workflows, track milestones and generally improve operations by creating greater transparency across your council or organisation. Your team will get the information quicker to be able to stay compliant, maintain stronger governance and be more productive.
The specially designed platform is packed with features to meet LGP customer needs and even includes ongoing support from specialists who understand your challenges.
This really is a unique management program that drives excellence.
LGP High Performance Hub

LGP’s Strategic Procurement Solutions have partnered with Courageous Leaders to support the leadership development of executives, councilors, senior leaders and team leaders to build the confidence and develop the conviction in their personal leadership mastery, so they unleash the courage and ignite the passion to be the kind of leader they really want to be, and the council and community needs them to be.