Soldout events in Sydney, while Bathurst event goes trackside

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Soldout events in Sydney, while Bathurst event goes trackside

August was a busy month for LGP (Local Government Procurement) with two council focused network meetings being held, the first a double header at the Grace Hotel in Sydney closely followed by the waving of the chequered flag for our last 2024 network meeting held at Rydges Mount Panorama.


Record Sydney audiences attended the two-day Sydney network meeting, day one’s agenda focused on procurement while day two highlighted key topics directed at the engineering audience.

With over 130 council members attending, the council were not just in the crowd but also on the agenda. LGP has for the last couple of years incorporated council case studies into the events, who better to communicate what council do than councils themselves.

We were joined at the procurement day by Frank Tambosis, Senior Procurement Business Partner at the Inner West Council. Frank covered ‘Variations from a procurement perspective’ reflecting on risk, council exposure, ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and the Inner West process.

Two case studies were presented at the engineering event, the first delivered by Mufid Noufal, Water Systems Manager – Property Services and Nicole Webb, Senior Engineer – Environmental Infrastructure at the City of Sydney. The case study ‘Rapid Leak Rectification’ highlighted the great work the council is doing to improve resource efficiency by identifying, managing, and crunching data to prevent water loss and save council dollars.

Later in the day Sadat Rahman, Senior Project Manager – Infrastructure Recovery Team from Hawkesbury City Council took the room back in time to the colonial years via a presentation on the restoration work to rebuild the historic Thomas James Bridge. The bridge damaged during consecutive floods in 2021 and 2022 has now been futureproofed to help preserve this segment of the world heritage-listed Great North Road.

External speakers covered key topics, this included an update from the NSWICC (NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce) keep an on the LGP website for further actions in this space – LGP Indigenous Procurement Program – Local Government Procurement , the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner delivered a timely update, while ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) reminded council to stay alert to corrupt behaviour at council.

With the days wrapped up and the rooms questions answered we moved our focus to Bathurst.

Thanks again to all in attendance.

John Pennock – Business Development Manager – Southern Region


Wrapping up LGP’s 2024 Networking Events in Bathurst

After travelling to five regional locations across the state, Mount Panorama was a lovely backdrop to close-out LGP’s 2024 Networking meeting schedule. It was fantastic to see familiar and new faces in the room, eager to hear from our speakers and to learn about a full range of topics around procurement, sustainability, and engineering.

We would like to thank all our external speakers and LGP staff who joined the journey across NSW. LGP staff include Margret Szanto, Haydar Makhzoum, Candice Galvez, Katherine Lustig and Dr Hadi Rezaei Vandchali.

And a special thank you to our sponsor Origin, it would not be possible to provide these events to councils without the support of Origin. We appreciate the time and effort the team has put in to travel across the state to support all LGP’s networking events in 2024.

LGP will soon be putting together the agenda for next year’s network events, we welcome your feedback on topics of relevance, or your council might want to host an event, for any suggestions please reach to the Business Development team.

Meet the team – Local Government Procurement (

Lastly, we now turn our focus to the LGP annual conference, held on the 29th and 30th of October, the theme is ‘Create Ripples Ride the Wave’.

Full detail including registrations can be found at Annual Conference – Local Government Procurement (

John Pennock & Jerram Fairclough

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