Local Government Procurement

Procurement in Local Government-The Essentials

The Modules

Procurement in Local Government-The Essentials

Procurement in Local Government-The Essentials provides a basic understanding of procurement function including the strategic and sustainable dimensions of it, specifically applicable in the local government sector. The participants get to learn the procurement process and its different stages, and the methods involved.

Course fee (per person): For public courses in Sydney $700.00 (excl. GST). For public courses in Regional Areas $750.00 (excl. GST). For onsite delivery, send a request for quote to [email protected]

Duration: Full-day (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM)

Venue: LGP Office, Sydney/Regional Locations/Onsite/Online

Click here to register.

Request a Quote​

Contact the LGP Strategic Procurement Services Team or call 02 8270 8747 or complete the online form to request a quote for services.

    Project Details

    Have specifications/scope of the project been developed? If not, the customer is responsible for developing these requirements. *

    Is the project a re-tender of an existing contract? *

    Are there any other Council’s or organisations that may want to participate to increase leverage and lower costs? *
    NoYesNot Applicable

    Let’s talk

    Let someone from our Business Team point you in the right direction.