Strategic & Operational Procurement

Strategic & Operational Procurement

Our Team can assist you towards building strategic procurement.

We can bring you the expertise to build strategic procurement in your organisation. We can deliver services and provide knowledge transfer to up-skill your staff. Using our experience and expertise to review what you have and help you achieve what you want.

We have the skills to dive in deep to review and develop your procurement strategies, policies and procedures. We can also review your current procurement documents to bring them in line with procurement best practice principles or create new ones from scratch.

We are highly skilled at identifying where improvements can be made, money saved and best practices, compliance and governance confidently implemented.

Long term planning that aligns with the organisation’s goals. For strategic procurement to succeed, the entire organisation must be involved. All departments must try to work together for the benefit of the organisation. A strategic procurement team is crucial when it comes to setting the overall direction for procurement aligned with the organisation’s business strategy.

LGP Consulting can assist you. We can bring you our procurement expertise and help you plan your annual procurement schedule. If needed, we can deliver procurement processes that you may not have the manpower to deliver.

Request a Quote​

Contact the LGP Consulting Team or call 02 8270 8747 or complete the online form to request a quote for services.

    Project Details

    Have specifications/scope of the project been developed? If not, the customer is responsible for developing these requirements. *

    Is the project a re-tender of an existing contract? *

    Are there any other Council’s or organisations that may want to participate to increase leverage and lower costs? *
    NoYesNot Applicable

    Let’s talk

    Let someone from our Business Team point you in the right direction.