High-Performance Hubs

High-Performance Hubs

Local Government Procurement have partnered with Courageous Leaders to support the leadership development of executives, councillors, senior leaders and team leaders to build the confidence and develop the conviction in their personal leadership mastery so they unleash the courage and ignite the passion to be the kind of leader they really want to be and the council and community needs them to be.

Leaders have experienced unprecedented challenges and changes and this has brought a sense of overwhelm with little brain capacity to even think about “leadership” and what it means in times like we have experienced and continue to experience. The pressures are being felt emotionally, physically and mentally and it’s draining and is taking higher levels of resilience to shift forward each day, each week and each month into a new way of working. Accordingly, many leaders are experiencing impacts on effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.

We offer two different types of forums:

  • Advanced capability - aimed at executives and councillors with certain senior leaders being developed for future succession.
  • Foundational capability - aimed at senior leaders and team leaders.

Promotes the stretching of leadership capability in the first 90 minutes of a virtual session centred on a specific topic/skill like empowering leadership or successful strategy activation followed with a 90 minute interactive session focused on supporting the real leadership performance of each participant - as they share wins/highlights and we explore challenges and their options for resolution.

These 90 minute virtual sessions bring a focus on the foundational skills of leadership like how to delegate, giving feedback, coaching others for high performance. Highly practical, these sessions support the operational hub of your council focusing on performance and service to the community.

EMBEDDING CHANGE as a result of participating in the forums
Change does not happen during either the Advanced or Foundational Sessions - it happens in the real world when participants are working and living life. To ensure that participants put into practice what they learn during the sessions, we engage them into 21 days habit building challenges. These challenges nudge participants to stretch their current leadership capability. They are encouraged to take simple and small steps, because a 1% uplift in capability each month amounts to a significant uplift by the end of the year.

To further support participants during the learning phase, they are partnered with a fellow participant, an accountability buddy. This is a great way to actively support fellow participants to learn and change the way they lead: self, teams and the organisation.

We look forward to working with each member of the High-Performance Hub participants to create a community of leaders learning together. To enable us to do this with speed each member is invited to commence the forum with the desire and intent to create a space with each other where everyone feels encouraged and supported. We know this can be done when people bring:

  • Courage (to be real, honest, and vulnerable)
  • Curiosity (to inquire and seek a different view)
  • Compassion (to deeply connect and support without perceived judgment)
  • Capacity and desire to learn (to bring the determination to put learning into action)
  • Challenging (to have conversations where the current status quo is questioned).

ANTICIPATED BENEFITS of strengthening leadership and supporting performance
We envisage LGP Leadership Forms derive significant benefits to councils by:

Strengthening leadership capability so:

  • your leaders develop greater confidence, conviction and courage and:
  • make decisions with greater speed
  • resolve conflict more constructively
  • build trusted stakeholder relationships and influence action and change with greater ease
  • manage funds more effectively and are better skilled to optimise service delivery
  • generate stronger accountability for high performance
  • the culture becomes more constructive and inspires higher performance
  • service delivery is optimised.

Supporting leadership performance so:

  • your leaders resolve their current leadership challenges with greater speed, confidence, conviction and courage
  • self belief is strengthened because we take time to celebrate, acknowledge and validate what they are doing to generate success
  • leaders generate stronger accountability for performance back in the workplace.

See our Launch here

Request a Quote​

Contact the LGP Consulting Team or call 02 8270 8747 or complete the online form to request a quote for services.

    Project Details

    Have specifications/scope of the project been developed? If not, the customer is responsible for developing these requirements. *

    Is the project a re-tender of an existing contract? *

    Are there any other Council’s or organisations that may want to participate to increase leverage and lower costs? *
    NoYesNot Applicable

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    Let someone from our Business Team point you in the right direction.