CLMS – Procurement and Contract Management Hub

CLMS – Procurement and Contract Management Hub

Everything you need in one place.

This program empowers you to easily answer questions by looking at a single dashboard – from project spend, supplier details and KPIs to when a contract starts and finishes.

This program enables your council or organisation to plan workflows, track milestones and generally improve operations by creating greater transparency across your council or organisation. Your team will get the information quicker to be able to stay compliant, maintain stronger governance and be more productive.

The specially designed platform is packed with features to meet LGP customer needs and even includes ongoing support from specialists who understand your challenges.

This really is a unique management program that drives excellence.

Request a Quote​

Contact the LGP Consulting Team or call 02 8270 8747 or complete the online form to request a quote for services.

    Project Details

    Have specifications/scope of the project been developed? If not, the customer is responsible for developing these requirements. *

    Is the project a re-tender of an existing contract? *

    Are there any other Council’s or organisations that may want to participate to increase leverage and lower costs? *
    NoYesNot Applicable

    Let’s talk

    Let someone from our Business Team point you in the right direction.