Komobility – It is Time to Sunscreen Our Roads

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Komobility – It is Time to Sunscreen Our Roads

We protect our skin against skin cancer, caused by the sun. We do not wait for a disease and then operation to treat. Yet, this is exactly what we do with our roads. We let the roads deteriorate, until fixing and complete resurface is needed. It is time to change method by applying mew solutions!


Asphalt Roads will deteriorate regardless of how good they were designed and built. This is simply because the sun (UV Rays) oxidizing the pavement, and create a millimetric micro cracks. Due to vehicle pressure and water, these micro cracks turn into bigger cracks, potholes and the rest is history. Our streets have cracks, potholes, repaired potholes and patches. We are in a constant battle to fix road pavements, until it is too difficult, and then re-surfacing is needed. A costly, in-effective methodology which cost the Australian tax-payer ~ $ 30 billion every year! (BITRE report 156, Nov. 2023). And yet we drive on bad, un- safe roads.

Imagine an alternative: same way that we protect our skin from the sun, we can sunscreen the roads. Through periodic maintenance every few years (5-10 years), we can prevent the sun from attacking the roads, significantly reducing oxidation, while also preventing water from penetrating the surface. We will drive on a better, safer roads while reducing significantly the huge repair costs.

KomoRoad (TL2000) is a patented, scientifically proven material which operates as a 1mm “sun sealer” on roads. Once applied, it blocks the sun from affecting the pavement, and stopping the main cause of deterioration. It is also water-resistant preventing water from penetrating and accumulating underneath the pavement. KomoRoad will fill in the microcracks and will act as a rejuvenator, to revive the old bitumen from underneath the surface.

In roads globally, like the US, Korea and South Africa, the material was sustained over 10 years on the pavement. KomoRoad is NOT emulsion based material. Emulsion based materials, which are mixed with water, are not durable over years, and in most cases will wash out quickly. In contrast KomoRoad bonds to the surface on a molecule level, and becomes part of the road. It is patented and applied globally for over 2 decades, and has been tested by many rigorous labs globally. KomoRoad can also be applied in different colours, so instead of resurfacing bus lanes, bicycle lanes and marking, we can simply apply the material.

The same patented component is also used for KomoFix. A mix of Reclaimed Asphalt (RAP), and the patented formula creates a Cold Asphalt. This cold asphalt can be used to repair potholes, and even build new roads. The material is durable and considered a permanent fix, rather then temporary until resurfacing. KomoFix participated in a Transport for NSW trial (RFI.22.0000129348.1715 – Cold Mix Products Trial) in December 2022, and following 1.5 years, was selected a Preferred Product, after successfully passed the success criteria.

Few NSW councils already using KomoFix in their operation including Northen Beaches Council, Georges River, Liverpool and Hunters Hill. In addition it is also used by Sydney Airport. The cold Asphalt is easily applied by local council operators, does not require heavy machinery, and compacted easily. Unlike other materials, it is separated aggregates, and easily handled.

These products are designed with Sustainability at their core. Unlike hot asphalt, both products are applied cold, and stored cold, does not require heavy machinery, and utilize >70% recycled materials. The solutions reduces over 90% of CO2 emission, as well as energy costs. Furthermore, roads can be opened immediately following the repair, reducing traffic stress and delays.

Komodo PRX   

Website: www.komobilityroads.com.au
Contact: Danny Nadri, [email protected] 


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