
Industrial, Construction, Electrical and General Hardware & Materials

Contract Term
Three (3) years
Commencement Date
1 August 2021
Expiry Date
31 July 2025
Period of extended term
Three (3) terms each of twelve (12) months
Final Expiry Date
31 July 2027

LGP has appointed the named contractors under a Preferred Supplier Deed.

LGP Customers accessing the pricing offered under this arrangement will access services/products through VendorPanel and from the contractors.

As the calling of tenders by LGP meets all requirements of the Local Government Act Regulations (and that LGP has achieved Prescription), LGP Customers do not need to independently tender for items purchased under this supply arrangement.

Pricing is available on the website and through quotation from the suppliers and may be subject to variations depending on the contract in place.



LGP requires the following goods/services:

  • Electrical and Lighting (Industrial & Household)
  • General Hardware
  • Paint, Protective Coatings and Adhesives
  • Building and Construction Materials
  • Hand and Power Tools (excl. Outdoor Power Equipment)
  • Nursery and Garden Care
  • Domestic and Retail Plumbing Supplies
  • Civil and Urban Plumbing Supplies

For more detailed information on the scope of this contract, refer to the Part D Specification in the Standing Offer Deed, learn more via LGP’s e-quotation system VendorPanel. 


LGP Approved Contractors

Name & ACN Status
AC Whalan & Co Pty LtdACN 003 499 849Approved
Atom SupplyACN 009 347 399Approved
B & M Industrial Supplies Pty LtdACN 601 509 997Approved
Bearing Service Pty Ltd004 112 887Approved
BlackwoodsACN 000 010 300Approved
CBC Australia Pty LtdACN 000 143 608Approved
Cadia Group Pty LtdACN 165 578 156Approved
Clover Pipelines Pty LtdACN 166 929 700Approved
Gordon Macdonald ElectricalACN 000 307 246Approved
JAC Pump ServicesACN 115 873 964Approved
Lawrence and Hanson Group Pty LtdACN 080 350 812Approved
OzliteACN 007 349 411Approved
Reece Australia Pty LtdACN 004 097 090Approved
Rexel Holdings Australia Pty LtdACN 081 022 068Approved
TLE Electrical, AWM Electrical, Haymans Electrical, MM Electrical, D&W Electrical ACN 003 762 641Approved
Taggle Systems Pty LtdACN 126 467 847Approved
Total Tools Commercial Pty LtdACN 621 146 772Approved
Vinidex Pty LtdACN 000 664 942Approved
Waterproofing Direct Pty LtdACN 166 248 648Approved

Approved status on this page indicates that contractors have signed their Standing Offer Deed and are now an LGP Approved Contractor. They will appear in VendorPanel after completion of all activation requirements.

In addition to the LGP approved contractors, selected contractors have nominated Authorised Agents/Subcontractors (includes: Partners/Resellers/Dealers). These are listed under the heading Authorised Agents/Subcontractors (includes: Partners/Resellers/Dealers).


View our Guide to Using LGP Contracts and Guide to Evaluating RFQs and Awarding Contracts under LGP Panels.

Please also see LGP’s Guide to Amending LGP Customer Contracts and Other Options for further information around varying contract options underneath LGP panels.

For instructions on how to use VendorPanel Filter Tags, take a look at the LGP Filter Tags Overview.

If council wishes to make amendments to a LGP Customer Contract or other options, please complete the Letter of Endorsement/ Acknowledgement Request Form.

When placing orders, you MUST include the contract number, or you may NOT be covered under the terms and conditions of the LGP contract.

Tendered Rates
Information regarding LGP’s pricing can be found in VendorPanel. Rates located under this tab are generally for low volumes and one off purchases. For large or committed volumes or projects in scope of this contract a Request for Quotation (RFQ) can be requested from contractors on the panel.

Councils should note that LGP panel members update insurance on a cyclical basis. LGP will expedite any outstanding information, but regardless, insurance policies can be cancelled or lapse at any time and councils should always seek confirmation directly from contractors where-ever contract risk is high.

The preferred method of seeking a quote is via VendorPanel. A RFQ template is available to assist with completing a well considered specification. 

For more information on making purchases see our How to Guide.

Forward your purchase order to the contractor including the agreed rate as set out in the price schedule. This should be undertaken in accordance with your organisation’s procurement policy. Ensure that the LGP contract number is included on the purchase order.

The full benefits of a contract can be realised by making a commitment to it.
Commitment can be demonstrated by completing the notice of participation form. This will be used to notify contractors that all purchases made via the approved contractor will be done so under the contract, provided it is within scope.

Note. The Participation Form is not a contract, nor does it lock council into using this arrangement. Council may alter this arrangement at any time.

Yes, via a Nominee Authorisation. Customers may appoint an entity to make purchases from LGP approved contractors on their behalf. These purchases are for goods and/or services that are within scope of the LGP contract and are required for works and services that the entity is undertaking on behalf of the LGP customer.

Please contact your Business Manager for more information and a copy of the authorisation and acceptance form.

Customers will be supplied a tax invoice directly by the contractor. All payments will be made to the contractor in accordance with clause 26.3 of the Standard terms of Contract between a Customer and Contractor (Schedule 5 of the Head Agreement (standing offer deed)) i.e. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a Customer must make such payment by the end of the month following the month of invoice.

Contact the contractor directly. If the issue cannot be resolved, contact your Business Manager.

Yes, some LGP contracts have purchasing thresholds. If a contract has a purchasing threshold this information can be found on the LGP Website at the top of the relevant LGP Contract page, and on VendorPanel under the Local Government Procurement Lists Contact Details. 

This video tutorial will teach LGP Approved Customers how to locate LGP contract information on the LGP website.

Notice to Participate

Please note:  that the Notice of Participation is for council use only. Any business interested in becoming an LGP-approved supplier should refer to How do I become an Approved Contractor.

The purpose of the Notice to Participate is to:

• Provide announcement to LGP approved contractors of a Council’s intention to participate in the use of a contact;

• Demonstrate compliance with the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (Section 55 Tendering);

• Facilitate the ability to track all purchases under the named Local Government Procurement (LGP) contract; and

• Ensure that Council accurately receives any LGP rebate applicable to this contract.

Completion of this form DOES NOT ‘lock’ your Council into a contract. Rather, this Notice of Participation is an instrument used to demonstrate your Council’s intention to purchase goods and/or services under the agreed LGP contractual conditions until otherwise notified.

Please ensure that any Council staff authorised to issue purchase orders are aware of Council’s intention to access this LGP contract and that they can access information in order to follow the LGP process.

Full explanation on how the Notice of Participation operates

Let’s talk

Let someone from our Business Team point you in the right direction.