User Guide – Using and Amending LGP Customer Contracts

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User Guide – Using and Amending LGP Customer Contracts

In order to better enable councils’ use of LGP Contracts, the Business Development Team have developed a series of how-to-guides that demonstrate best practice for procurement through LGP panel arrangements. Part One “Guide to Using LGP Contracts” details the steps to engage LGP Approved Contractors through VendorPanel in the RfQ process, and Part Two “Guide to Evaluating RFQs and Awarding Contracts under LGP Panels” covers off the final steps of the RfQ process and contract award. These guides encompass council considerations from an internal procurement policy and process perspective and highlight the recommended steps to take in exercising due diligence when procuring through LGP panels.

Having detailed the RfQ process and recommendations for best practice, it’s important to understand the contract council is entering into, the various terms and conditions that can be applied, and the process to follow in selecting and/or amending the most appropriate Customer Contract for your procurement. Working to facilitate this understanding LGP has developed Part Three of its how-to-guides series A guide to using and amending LGP Customer Contracts and other options. This guide is split into two sections:

  1. The LGP Standing Offer Deed

    Provides information on interpreting the Standing Offer Deed and its various schedules, highlighting those that are most relevant for council. Clarification is also provided around Schedule D – Customer Contract, and the process to follow if council wishes to make amendments to the Customer Contract. Instructions are also provided for procurement exceeding the contract purchasing thresholds for LGP420 Minor and Major Civil Works, and LGP1208-4 Professional Consulting Services.

  2. GC21, MW21, and Australian Standards options under LGP contracts

    Provides instructions on interpreting and applying alternative terms and conditions for applicable LGP Contracts including:
    LGP420 Minor and Major Civil Works, LGP1208-4 Professional Consulting Services, LGP213-3 Bitumen, Emulsions & Asphalt, and LGP308-3 Playgrounds, & Open Spaces.

This guide aims to empower councils to interpret the LGP Standing Offer Deed, Schedule-D Customer Contract, and other various terms and conditions that can be applied. The guide is now available on the LGP website alongside Parts One and Two under the “Resources” tab and also “How to get a quote”.

If you have any questions related to the guides, or would like to organise training for your council on the guides, please contact your region’s Business Development Manager or email.

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