Use LGP Panels to Avoid Being Delayed by the Pre-election Caretaker Period

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Use LGP Panels to Avoid Being Delayed by the Pre-election Caretaker Period

NSW Local Government elections are coming up in September which means that the caretaker period will shortly be upon us. The caretaker period will run from 16th August to 13th September 2024 and is in place to ensure that council actions don’t interfere with the election process.

The caretaker period affects all council staff undertaking procurement activity because it limits the ability of councils, general managers and other delegates of council to enter into certain contracts. Specifically, Councils, general managers and other delegates of council must not enter into a contract or undertaking involving an expenditure or receipt by the council of an amount equal to or greater than $150,000 or 1% of a council’s revenue from rates in the preceding financial year (whichever is the greater amount).

It is now June and if you are wanting to enter into a contract before the caretaker period begins it is most likely too late to start a request for tender. However, there is still time to run a request for quote through an LGP panel. LGP has over 30 contracts across a range of categories of goods, works, and services, including a large range of civil works, machinery and equipment. Most of our panel contracts don’t have a spend limit so they are a great option for high-value purchases. By utilising LGP panels for your procurement, you can avoid having to run a tender and you can have the procurement process wrapped up and your contract signed before the 16th August. This will give you a head start on projects you would like to start early in the new financial year.

If you’d like more information about how to use LGP panels, please get in touch with your Business Development Manager.

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