Non-Accredited Training Courses

The Modules
- Procurement in Local Government-The Essentials
- Contracting in Local Government- The Essentials
- Procurement and Contracting in Local Government-The Essentials
- Advanced Contracting in Local Government
- Procurement Planning and Specification Development
- Tender Evaluation and Contract Awarding
- Procurement Planning & Specification Development and Tender Evaluation & Contract Awarding
- Procurement Life Cycle in Local Government-The Essentials
- The Essentials of Project Management
- Probity in Procurement
- ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Training
- Bidding for Government Contracts
LGP offers a range of interactive and best practice modules in Procurement, Contracting and Project Management. These are designed specifically for the local government sector, covering seven critical areas of procurement and contract management. These modules are delivered by knowledgeable trainers with hands-on experience in local government. The contents, case studies and activities are tailored with practical examples to maximise knowledge transfer. These public courses also provide the participants with the opportunity to share and learn from their experiences and network with peers.
Training venue: LGP Office Sydney/Regional Locations/Onsite at Clients’ Premises
Option to attend a session via Zoom
Our regional and rural clients can use Zoom, the online platform that allows people from any geographic location, the opportunity to remotely attend (fully/partially) the courses which are conducted at our office in Sydney. This app is very lightweight on Internet and requires only a computing device with audio and video options.
Regional Procurement Training
Intending to make training more accessible to its Regional and Remote clients, LGP has been delivering courses at several locations across NSW over the last couple of years. Between 2020-2023, we ran 40 sessions in ten regional cities/towns with about 585 participants.
Continuing our commitment, we plan to run training courses at the following locations in 2024. The sessions will proceed subject to receiving minimum required registrations and the course to be offered will depend on the demand in the region.
Regional training sessions planned for 2024
1. Coffs Harbour: 31 July 2024
2. Dubbo: 25 September 2024
3. Griffith: 13 November 2024
Courses on offer
1. Procurement and Contracting in Local Government- The Essentials (1 full-day course 9.00 AM-4.30 PM)
2. Procurement Planning & Specification Development and Tender Evaluation & Contract Awarding (1 full-day course 9.00 AM-4.30 PM)
3. The Essentials of Project Management (1 full-day course 9.00 AM-4.00 PM)
4. Advanced Contracting in Local Government (1 full-day course 9.00 AM-4.00 PM)
Course Fee/Person: $700 (plus GST)
Venue: TBC
Course details: Click here
Registration: Click here.
Onsite training
Any training module offered by LGP can also be tailored and delivered onsite to suit specific training needs of the clients. To register your interest for onsite delivery, please click here.
Click here to access the full Training Calendar.
For any further information, please contact Niv Roy, Head of Training on 0466 730 969 / 02 8270 8709 or send an email to the Training Team.
Let’s talk