From the CEO’s Desk

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From the CEO’s Desk

A couple of weeks ago we held our biggest ever LGP Annual Conference, at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.  Welcoming close to 280 delegates and exhibitors to explore how to better Connect, Leverage and Achieve.

Our opening keynote speaker Dr Helena Popovic shared her insights on powering our brain and our body for maximum performance, to challenge perceptions, and understand that what we see and interpret is largely defined by the context we are in.  John Davies from the Office of Local Government shared an update on their regulatory review activity.  There were a series of excellent council case studies, mini-workshops and a debate on whether procurement can save the world.

Craig Reucassel from The Chaser opened Day 2 and shared how only 13% of our waste is recycled.  He explained councils are on the front line in reducing waste production, and the necessary leaders in diverting waste from landfill. We finished the event with some important messages on mental health and personal brand.

One of the highlights of our annual conference is to recognise excellence in procurement. The 2023 winners are shared below.

  • 2023 Outstanding Procurement Professional of the Year Award winner is Alison Leckie from Northern Regional Inland Waste Group. We acknowledged Danny Andrews (Central Coast Council) and Charlotte Nielson (Tweed Shire Council) who received Highly Commended awards.
  • 2023 Sustainable Procurement Award winner is City of Parramatta with their Aboriginal Participation Future Workplace Project.
  • 2023 New Procurement Professional of the Year Award winner is Levi Manuel – Northern Beaches Council. We acknowledge Amal Kemp (Sutherland Shire Council) and Amy Wallace (Albury City Council) who received Highly Commended awards.
  • LGP Approved Contractor of the Year Award winner is Telstra.

The Awards Dinner was an opportunity for LGP to announce a brand-new partnership, and a first in the Australian local government sector, a partnership with the Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

As part of LGP’s new Indigenous Procurement Program, this partnership will help bring hundreds of qualified indigenous enterprises to NSW councils, allowing them to start engaging and building new business together. On the 13th and 14th of November LGP will be a proud exhibitor and speaker at the ICC Infrastructure and Construction Forum, networking with over 400 delegates on our new program.

LGP has a strong focus on our people.  At our awards dinner, in front of 280 people we recognised the following staff members for their commitment and loyalty to our business.

  • 5 years of Service: Mihaela Stancu, Bronwyn Challis, Betty Jovic and Tariq Dahleh.
  • 15 years of Service: Emma Murray, Margret Szanto.

We sincerely thank all our sponsors supporting the 2023 Annual Conference; VendorPanel as our Gold Sponsor, Blackwoods, Lenovo and Telstra as our Silver Sponsors, Fulton Hogan and Greenworks as our Bronze Sponsors.

Moving on to our 2023 Rebate Scheme.  Recently we were very pleased to advise participating councils, ROCs and JOs of their FY23 LGP Rebate payments where LGP proudly distributed $1.2m.  Since inception this rebate scheme has invested over $11m into the NSW local government sector, $5.2m has been delivered in past 5 years.

October was a great month of engagement and sector support for LGP, a wonderful reminder of why we do what we do.

Thank you,
Luke Kenny

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