Tuesday – 29 October 2024 – 3:50pm
Roundtable Session – Developing and Implementing an Effective Procurement Strategy for your Organisation
In a world where organisations are transforming constantly how can you develop sustainable strategic plans that adapt? As a resources constrained Procurement leader dealing with constant urgent priorities, how can you win the hearts and minds of your team and stakeholders for a future vision that is better than today? Is strategic planning more science than art, or more art than science and whichever is the answer, how can you learn to move beyond short-term tactical activities or tick-the-box slide decks?
This session will explore the theory of investing in a methodical approach to strategic planning and allow an opportunity to practice some techniques that support strategic thinking. You will walk away from the conference with some tools and templates that will professionalise your Procurement functions approach and the confidence to take the next step to developing and implementing an effective Procurement strategy aligned to your business objectives.
Coretta Bessi
Director – LGP Board
Coretta Bessi is an experienced senior executive across health, finance, mining, heavy manufacturing, telecommunications and energy sectors. She was the Chief Procurement Officer at BlueScope, nbn, Ausgrid and Westpac leading teams up to 200 professionals accountable for billions in externally sourced goods and services. She is a Chairperson, Non-Executive Director and Committee Member across a variety of ACT, NSW and Victorian public service boards and committees providing oversight of significant Procurement spend and practices. She has lectured in Procurement Management and Advanced Negotiations at University for Masters students for in excess of a decade and has continued her passion of developing the next generation by founding Bravo – a global Female Empowerment Program for Procurement and Supply Chain. Coretta is passionate about supporting profit for a purpose and public organisations that impact the health and wellbeing of our citizens and is honoured to be a Board Member for Local Government Procurement – supporting councils to support our communities.