Notice of Participation

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Notice of Participation

A Notice of Participation (NOP) allows councils to advice LGP Approved Contractors of their intension to procure all applicable goods and/or services under the terms and conditions of an LGP Contract, no matter how that procurement is conducted. Once the NOP form is signed by a council it becomes effective from the day on which LGP provides the NOP to the LGP Approved Contractors.

The purpose of NOP is to:
  • Demonstrate that the purchase of the goods and services has been done so in a manner that complies with requirements of Local Government Act 1993​ (NSW) and the Local government (general) Regulation 2005 (NSW).
  • Simplifies the ability for a council to purchase under an LGP Contract and reporting obligations for LGP Approved Contractors​.
  • Ensures that councils and LGP Approved Contractors can accurately track purchases under a contract, simplifying reporting and rebate operations​.
  • Notifies LGP Approved Contractors of council’s commitment to use the LGP contract for all their purchases for that category.​
  • While councils are not required to provide a notice of participation form to make a purchase under the LGP Contract, many councils opt for this option for simplicity.

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