LGP Grant Program 2023 Closes on 28 April

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LGP Grant Program 2023 Closes on 28 April

LGP recently announced the Procurement Capability Grant Program for 2023. This program is designed to support procurement, and councils can apply for them through a competitive expression of interest (EOI) process.

The submission deadline for EOI is 28 April 2023.

The primary goal of the Grant Program is to incentivise NSW local government to identify key areas of improvement and implement impactful initiatives that advance capability and enhance procurement practices.

The Grant Program is open to all NSW councils, Joint Organisations, Regional Organisations of Councils, Joint Organisations, Aboriginal Land Councils, and County Councils.

Eligible projects can receive grants ranging from $3,000 to $25,000, with project eligibility in areas such as process improvement, procurement resource development, technology, professional development, or other (disaster recovery or other procurement-related areas). LGP aims to deliver tangible outcomes for councils with a particular emphasis on improving procurement practices.

Interested councils may access the Expression of Interest (EOI) form via the LGP website. The EOI form is designed to facilitate easy and quick completion. We look forward to receiving your EOI form.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact your LGP Business Development Manager.

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