LGP Consulting Reflecting on 2022

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LGP Consulting Reflecting on 2022

Here we are again in December. Another year coming to a close. As we reflect on 2022, the team discusses all the things that have happened this year, personally, professionally, locally, and globally. COVID no longer a pandemic, is here to stay. Global sanctions are impacting fuel and energy. The floods just keeping coming.

We have seen communities ravaged by water over and over, and we responded with our Disaster Resilience tools and taking State Government-Building Bridges with us on our 2022 Networking events. Bringing critical information about funding to councils across NSW.

We watched many make life changing decisions and transitioning to new jobs, both colleagues at LGP and at councils, and we responded with Procurement as a Service (PaaS), providing services to address gaps while councils filled vacancies.

We see prices soaring, first petrol and diesel, impacting the prices on transport, mobility, import and export and overall goods and services everywhere. Though shipping has eased, and goods are moving again, our sector experienced a rush of tendering, and we responded by taking on unscheduled or under resourced projects.

We see protection of our planet and people taking front and centre with world leaders, including our own. Nett Zero, Decarbonisation, Modern Slavery, ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) are moving from the discussion stage into implementation. We responded with a Modern Slavery Toolkit for LGP Approved Contractors and other suppliers, then a Modern Slavery Toolkit for councils. We created Disaster Resilience toolkits and most recently, a Social Procurement toolkit for councils.

We watched many grapple with COVID PTSD and other mental health issues. Through all of this, we looked at what could help our people and we responded. We know that business needs people, and people are our shared assets. We provide flexibility so people can manage their children, social distancing, illness, transport disruptions, and all manner of interruptions. We invest in mental health initiatives, activities to reconnect our people to each other, to the workplace, to us, to you.

This year has been a year of recurrence, relocation, regeneration, regrowth, rejuvenation, rediscovery, and reconnections. This meant there was a lot of change, and we all experienced change; at work, at home, in our community, nationally and globally, some were scary, some were exiting, some are ongoing.

But you are not alone. And with all this change, we are confident that 2023 will see the fruits of our resilience and adaptability.

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