Introducing Megan Riakos

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Introducing Megan Riakos

I am one of five children born to immigrant parents who came from opposite sides of the world. My dad hails from Zgharta Lebanon, while my mum comes from Pennsylvania, USA and I grew up in the melting pot of the inner-Sydney suburbs of Alexandria, Waterloo and Redfern (before property prices skyrocketed!).

I’m lucky to have worked with LGP for over a decade. I started in 2009 as a temp in a small office of six and have grown alongside the organisation that now employs almost 50 people. I’ve always been a part-timer at LGP, largely so I can combine this with my work in the creative industries as a writer and director and more recently so I can care for my one-year-old daughter. It’s the flexibility, culture and growth mindset that really makes LGP a great place to work.

In my (very little) spare time I love to digest interesting stories whether that be by watching movies and TV shows, reading books or listening to podcasts. I offset these interior hobbies with getting out into nature whenever I can. This could be for a run, a hike or a bodysurf, but more likely these days it’s a walk with my partner and our daughter where we can enjoy the sun and the local rainbow lorikeets. Of course I’d love to be hiking somewhere with grand vistas, but finding these pockets of time being present in nature with those you love is just as important.

What keeps me busy at LGP?

As the Business Support Officer, I lead several projects including our annual refresh of the Business Continuity Plan and driving the Stakeholder Engagement Initiative. I also provide additional support to the Corporate Services team in Administration, IT, Training, AV and Marketing as required.

How do I make a difference at LGP?

As a long-time employee, I hold a lot of corporate knowledge which helps to deliver my projects efficiently and comprehensively. It also means I can assist with different departments or provide ad-hoc support or advice when needed. I also really enjoy strategic thinking and with my creative background, I bring a unique lens to the table during brainstorming sessions and project scoping.

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