Local Government Procurement

From The CEO’s Desk – March 2023

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From The CEO’s Desk – March 2023

This month we announce that one of our founding employees, Phill Scott – Chief Procurement Officer is retiring. Phill has been a pivotal person in the establishment of LGP and its ongoing growth to what it is today. We have a great article included in this edition of LGP News which goes into detail on what he has done for us all. If you know Phill Scott, I encourage you to give him a ring, drop him an email and share your thanks for what he has done, and ask him any final questions before he goes…!

Phill is currently, and deservedly enjoying some of his long service leave, his last day is Tuesday 4th April. On behalf of the LGP Board, our staff, all councils in NSW we say thank Phill as someone who has led procurement practice in our sector for 17 years. One of Phill’s more recent legacies is our first Grant Program. LGP is proud to announce our second round of funding for the Procurement Capability Grant Program. There is another $95,000 being made available in the coming weeks. Being heavily over-subscribed, we were very proud to select and fund 10 projects in our first round of funding. LGP remains committed to enabling procurement capability that could not begin without this investment. If you are a council, ROC or Joint Organisation interested in participating in the Procurement Capability Grant Program, please see the supporting article in this LGP News edition and stay tuned for our invitation to receive submissions.

The Office of Local Government (OLG) has invited and now received submissions on proposed changes to the existing Local Government Tendering Guidelines. LGP has prepared and with
support from LGNSW, we have made a submission on behalf of the sector and in relation to what we see as the risks and opportunities with these Regulations. If your council has made a submission to the OLG, I would encourage you to reach out to me, so we can discuss what we are all advocating for. If we can do this, when the second round of consultation occurs, we might present a unified and compelling representation on the opportunities and risks that are being proposed by the OLG as changes to the Tendering Regulation.

We have our Tamworth Network Meeting coming up on the 30th of March which is now taking registrations. Then we go visit Greater Hume, Dubbo, Goulburn and Port Macquarie. Please note in your diaries 2023 Annual Conference on 17th & 18th October, again at Doltone House, Pyrmont Island.

Thank you,
Luke Kenny
Chief Executive Officer
Local Government Procurement

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