Release 3 of our Procurement Capability Grant Program is open until Wednesday 12th of June 2024. With $150,000 available to distribute, having only been open for 2 weeks we are already receiving submissions.
LGP is encouraging all councils to consider how we can provide funding of up to $25,000 to invest and enhance their procurement practices. We have also seen, and we encourage collaboration between councils, ROCs and JOs to prepare joint submissions under this program.
The Procurement Capability Grant Program welcomes final submissions via the LGP website by 5pm next Wednesday. For more information please contact your Business Development Manager, or click here for more details.
Last month we announced our brand new dual Diploma through the Local Government Training Academy (RTO45450), where we combined our Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420), and Diploma of Business (Operations – BSB50120). For more details please click here.
A new service for our councils and prospective suppliers is publishing our upcoming Tender Program. We receive lots of queries in relation to what contracts are going out to market, hopefully this new addition to our website helps councils and suppliers stay informed and engage with our whole-of-local government panel contracts. Click here to take a look for yourself.
While you are on the website, and as I have mentioned here previously, LGP is driving our Indigenous Procurement Program (IPP). We are building our first Reconciliation Action Plan. We are engaging with various Indigenous partners to build a procurement service that will allow councils to find and engage with Indigenous enterprises.
To help continue building this new community of contacts under the IPP, if you click here our website now has a dedicated page for people to register their interest in our Indigenous Procurement Program. This page has only been available for a couple of weeks, and excitingly we are already seeing various council contacts and Indigenous businesses making contact wanting to actively participate in what we are building.
The 2024 LGP Events Program rolls on. This week we will be in Wagga Wagga on Wednesday the 6th of June with our Networking event. On the 19th of June we are holding our first ‘Lunch & Learn’ hybrid event. We have over 180 people registered to hear stories and strategies on the recycling of Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO). For more details and how to register please click here. Also… please keep an eye out for our Kiama Network Meeting on Thursday 25th July, hope to see you there.
Thank you,
Luke Kenny