From the CEO’s Desk – April 2023

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From the CEO’s Desk – April 2023

LGP is constantly looking for ways to be better.  Our latest pursuit has been focused on lifting customer service.  As a result we have defined 3 standards we are now implementing and measuring ourselves against, they are shown here in the accompanying image.

We have defined our customers as anyone who contacts us from across our external stakeholder group – councils, ROC’s, Joint Organisations, LGP Approved Contractors, LGNSW, other partners and associations.

Over the coming months you will start to see from us a critical focus on resolving your query on-the-spot (first call resolution).  The person you speak to, or contact will own your query, until it is resolved (no more chasing different people inside our business for an update), and if we cannot resolve you query on the spot, we will update you on our progress every 24hrs until it can be closed.

We are extending ourselves by taking the step to deliver this same high level of customer service to each other as employees of LGP.  We believe, in working for you, if we treat each other as customers internally, our efficiency and effectiveness will increase significantly.  It will also strengthen our culture and our overall performance.

We want your feedback on how we are doing against these three Customer Service Standards.  Soon you will see some new channels that we will open to constantly receive feedback so we can focus on where we need to do better.

After a great deal of hard work we now have a brand new Microsoft Licencing Contract, which went live on 1 April 2023.  Having had this contract in place for 15 years, with some industry changes and the need to mitigate some escalating prices, we partnered with 66 councils to run a unique process.

The new Microsoft Contract is now available in VendorPanel.  Our Business Development Managers are now engaging with those participating councils to outline the opportunities under the new arrangement and support the contract transition process.

The second release of the LGP Procurement Capability Grant Program is now live and open to submissions, with a 28 April deadline.  Please visit our website for more details and see the very simple instructions to lodge your project – please click here.

My final message is to thank and farewell our Chief Procurement Officer – Phill Scott.  As mentioned in last month’s LGP News, Tuesday 4th April spells Phill’s final day with us as he looks toward his well-deserved retirement.

Phill’s great humility and modesty means he is not a man who loves grand adulation and fanfare.  We must however, as a sector say thank you to Phill for the 15 years of dedication, commitment, loyalty and influence on how procurement is delivered in the NSW Local Government sector.  Many of us have an instance, experience or exchange where we have benefitted from Phill’s knowledge and wise counsel.

He will be missed, but we also know he heads off into a phase of life that he has well and truly earnt, and is thoroughly deserved.  Phill let me say from myself, and on behalf of the LGP Board, our LGP employees (past and present), people in councils, our suppliers we congratulate you on a fine and distinguished career.  We thank you, and we wish you all the very best in your new future.

Thank you,
Luke Kenny
Chief Executive Officer
Local Government Procurement


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