From the CEO’s Desk

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From the CEO’s Desk

Modern Slavery Circular

On the 11th of April, the Office of Local Government released Circular 22-09 ‘Councils’ obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018’.

The Circular defines what constitutes Modern Slavery and explains as per the Modern Slavery Act 2018 legislation, that councils are now required to take reasonable steps to ensure procured goods and services are not the product of modern slavery.

With their FY23 Annual Reports, and beyond, councils will have to publish steps taken to detect and prevent modern slavery from their supply chains.

The LGP Sustainable Procurement team has a growing queue of councils engaging to understand and access our range of existing and new solutions that help address a large portion of the obligations under this circular. These include the Modern Slavery Toolkit, Modern Slavery Supply Chain Risk Assessments, Training and Education Programs.

For those who use many of our LGP contracts, you are already well protected. For the past two years, our Sustainable Procurement team has led the Modern Slavery Survey across all approved suppliers under LGP contracts.

The VendorPanel system uses a ‘traffic light’ system to indicate which of our suppliers are alert and aware to the requirements of the Modern Slavery legislation. From a risk perspective, we also indicate those suppliers who have some further work to do in order to protect our council buyers.

If you need to start taking action around this new Circular, please contact our Consulting Team via email and we will be in touch shortly. To access and review the Circular if you have not already done so, please click here.

Procurement Capability Grant Program

Last month we closed our first ever Procurement Capability Grant Program, and the response has been overwhelming. As outlined in this newsletter, we have been inundated with submissions. We look forward to evaluating those submissions and progressing the program over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to put in their submission. We appreciate your support and look forward to partnering with you on this new initiative together.

Network Meetings Starting Now

The 2022 Network Meeting Program is entering its 6th year, with eight events on the program. The agenda has a broad range of LGP expertise on the road this year (contracts, legal, social procurement, procurement practice, new categories), as well as our expert guest speakers.

Our opening event is the Procurement & Engineering Network Meeting in Mudgee on the 12th of May. With over 30 people already registered, we are keen to get back in front of our councils and support our procurement people back networking with each other.

Our 2022 Annual Conference on the 18th and 19th of October has a dedicated Engineering stream on Day 1. We have built a unique profile of speakers specifically for engineers, with Transport for NSW addressing the future of local government infrastructure, a Panel Session on infrastructure replacement, a case law discussion on sustainability with design & construct projects and using recycled plastics in roads projects.

All councils have access to a few options to secure your Engineer as complimentary attendee, please ask us how.

Registrations are open for all our 2022 events including the 2022 Annual Conference in October.

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