From the CEO’s Desk

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From the CEO’s Desk

In October we all come together again at the 2023 LGP Annual Conference, at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October.

The theme is “Connect l Leverage l Achieve”.  These three terms we feel are critical in the practice of managing council expenditure.  Our speakers have been specifically selected to unpack these concepts and share how we can all learn and make changes to be better.

We start the event with Dr Helena Popovic who will be getting us into gear explaining how our mind thinks and connects, leverages and achieves.  We welcome back the Office of Local Government to share an update on the review of the Procurement Guidelines.  We have a special panel session dedicated to understanding what an elected Member in council and a General Manager needs from procurement to make efficient and effective decisions.

There is a session on the art of negotiation from Scotwork, Craig Reucassel from The Chaser sharing with us his important messages to The War on Waste, VendorPanel providing sector purchasing insights we have two sessions on wellness.  Possibly one of the highlights will be the live debate, two teams made up of council representatives arguing whether ‘Procurement can save the world’.

Right now we are judging the 2023 Procurement Awards.  I am excited to see who will be the winner of the Sustainable Procurement Achievement Award.  Who do we get to crown as the 2023 Supplier of the Year, and our New Procurement Professional.

The major award is Outstanding Procurement Professional – this is the person we judge from all the nominations who we deem the best performing procurement professional in NSW local government for the past 12months.

We already have 120 conference attenders locked in to attend, we do have some space left for more.  If you want to know more or get your ticket, please click here or speak with your LGP Business Development Manager.

Below is a high level break down of the October event.

  • Monday 16th                       Pre-conference Networking Drinks exclusive to council delegates
  • Tuesday 17th                       Conference Day 1 and 2023LGP Procurement Awards and Dinner
  • Wednesday 18th                Conference Day 2 and Close

LGP continues to innovate the events we are providing for our councils and suppliers, with our final event for 2023 being the LGP Technology Day on Thursday 2nd November, please click here to find out more.

Just like last year, LGP is again participating in Steptember to help raise awareness, and important funds for Cerebral Palsy Alliance. We have had Selfie Competitions, Cooking Classes, Office Olympics, Lunchtime walking groups, Guessing Competitions, Karaoke…all sorts of creative activities. I am very proud to say in this year’s program we had 6 teams (over half the business) take over 10 million steps and raised over $5,000, which doubles the funds we were able to raise in 2022.

Thank you,
Luke Kenny

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