LGP Consulting brings to you quarterly webinars on topical subjects which may help in your professional career. Access to these webinars is by invitation only!
This month’s webinar is:
Five bold moves to embed sustainability in procurement.
Councils typically face many challenges to embedding sustainability in their procurement processes. Most councils have a decentralised or centre-led procurement model, so success requires the engagement of staff across all departments and at many different levels of accountability.
Sustainable procurement shouldn’t be seen as additional work: it needs to be seen as simply good procurement. For any council with sustainability goals, embedding sustainability into procurement will help the organisation achieve those – and more.
We invite you to join a webinar to hear about five practical actions you can take to make progress on sustainable procurement at your council. We will explain how each of these actions can help you embed sustainable procurement in an organisation, why they’re important, and how they relate to ISO 20400 – Sustainable Procurement Guidance Standard. And most importantly, you’ll hear how to make these happen at your council.
Webinar Details
Date: Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Time: 10:30 am Duration: 30 minutes
Cost: Free to attend – Exclusive to Councils