Contract Amends – October 2024

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Contract Amends – October 2024

LGP109-4 Debt Recovery Services

Custom Commercial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 16 097 215 622) have changed their business name to Custom Commercial Services Pty Limited (ABN 12 678 311 683). LGP confirms there has been a change to the ABN/ACN.

LGP113-2   Traffic Management Services

Traffic Control Services Pty Ltd (ABN 28 112 464 703) has changed their company name to Advanced Traffic Management Pty Ltd (ABN 19 149 263 427). LGP confirms that there has been a change to the company ABN/ACN.

LGP119 Asbestos Removal & Associated Services

ASP (Asbestos Solutions Professional) Pty Ltd have updated their pricing schedule as of September 2024.

A special contract extension has been agreed to by the panel and this contract will now conclude on the 30 September 2025, or until the scheduled tender is finalised and the new contract commences, whichever is the earliest:

1  Allstate Asbestos & Demolition Pty Ltd  10  Liberty Industrial Pty Ltd 
2  Art Civil Pty Ltd  11  MGA Contracting Pty Ltd 
3  ASP (Asbestos Solutions Professional) Pty Ltd  12  Newbold Bulk Haulage Pty Ltd 
4  Aztech Services Australia Pty Ltd  13  Newcastle Asbestos Consulting Pty Ltd 
5  Beasy Pty Ltd  14  Perfect Contracting Pty Limited 
6  Bender Family Holdings Pty Ltd ATF Bender Unit Trust t/as MBC Asbestos & Demolition  15  RMA Contracting Pty Ltd 
7  Empire Contracting Pty Ltd ATF Empire Contracting Trust t/as Empire Contracting Trust  16  Robbie Lee Developments Pty Ltd 
8  Enviropacific Services Pty Limited  17  TMT Industries Pty Ltd 
9  Integrated Environmental Pty Ltd     


LGP120 Line and Road Marking Works, Associated Hardware and Services 

LGP advises an extension period has been agreed to by approved contractors for a 12-month period commencing from 30 July 2024 to 30 July 2025:

1  Central West Linemarking Pty Ltd 
2  Combined Traffic Management Pty Ltd 
3  Complete Linemarking Services Pty Ltd 
4  Crown Traffic Solutions Pty Ltd 
5  Gumbay Holdings Pty Ltd t/as Avante Linemarking 
6  J & M Road Marking Specialist Pty Ltd 
7  Jenalad Pty Ltd t/as Whiteline Road Services (Hunter) 
8  Northside Line Marking Global Pty Ltd 
9  Oz Linemarking (NSW) Pty Ltd 
10  Planet Civil Pty Ltd 
11  Workforce Road Services Pty Ltd 
LGP219 1208-4 Corporate Clothing, Workwear and PPE

Signal One Pty Limited has withdrawn from the LGP219 contract as of 4 September 2024. 

Southern Cross Safety & Workwear Pty Ltd have updated their subcontractor register as of September 2024. 

Total Image Group Pty Ltd ATF Total Image Group Trust (ABN 24 110 485 595) have changed their business name to Total Image Group Pty Ltd (ABN 39 670 530 480). LGP confirms there has been an ABN/ACN change. 

LGP220 Truck Bodies and Trailers

Local Government Procurement Pty Ltd (LGP) advise that the current contract period for LGP220 Truck Bodies and Trailers will end on Monday, 30 September 2024. LGP will not be exercising the final extension option. NPN123 contract which commenced on the 1 February 2024 has combined Truck Bodies and Trailers with Trucks and Buses and is the basis for the decision. LGP is aware that not all panel members of LGP220 are on the NPN123 contract panel. LGP have passed on the details of those panel members to the lead agency for NPN123 to ensure they receive communication of an NPN123 tender panel refresh when one becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact the Contract Team at [email protected]:

1  A.H Peters Pty Ltd t/as A.H Peters  6  Garwood International Pty Ltd 
2  Aerial Access Australia Pty Ltd  7  GMJ Equipment Pty Ltd 
3  Allweld Manufacturing Pty Ltd  8  HiDrive Group Pty Ltd 
4  Altec Australia Holdings Pty Ltd  9  Nevco Engineering Pty Ltd 
5  Bedcorp Pty Ltd t/as West-Trans Equipment  10  Wastech Engineering Pty Ltd 
LGP319 Energy Services

A special contract extension has been agreed to by the panel and this contract will now conclude on 31 December 2025 or until the scheduled tender is finalised and the new contract commences, whichever is the earliest:

1  3E Net Zero Group Pty Ltd  5  Origin Energy Electricity Limited 
2  Iberdrola Australia Smart Energy Solutions Pty Ltd  6  Perdaman Advanced Energy Pty Ltd 
3  KGM Services Pty Ltd  7  Sustainable Business Energy Solutions Pty Ltd t/as AGL Energy Solutions 
4  Lowa Projects Pty Ltd  8  THE TRUSTEE FOR SUN TRUST 
LGP408-4   Horticultural, Pest, Pool and Water Management

Greenshed Pty Ltd t/as Living Turf have updated their pricing schedule as of September 2024.

LGP420  Minor and Major Civil Works including Construction Materials

Davies, Mitchell James t/as Davos Industries has changed its company name to Davos Industries Pty Ltd. LGP confirms there has been a change to the company ABN/ACN. Disaster Management Australia has changed its company name to Forge Solutions Group Pty Ltd. LGP confirms there has been no change to the company ABN/ACN.

LGP808-4  Human Resources (HR) – Permanent and Temporary Placements and Associated Services

Randc Labour Hire Pty Ltd have been suspended form the LGP808-4 contract due to an incomplete novation process.

LGP1208-4 Professional Consulting Services

The first extension option available under the LGP1208-4 contract has been agreed to by the panel and the contract has been extended to 30 September 2025:

1  A.M Fisher & C.J Fisher t/as Fisher Design & Architecture  137  Infrastructure Management Group Pty Limited 
2  A.P Blue & J.R Blue trading as Blueprint Planning Consultants  138  Ironbark Sustainability Pty Ltd 
3  Aargus Pty Ltd t/as Aargus Engineering Pty Ltd  139  J Wyndham Prince Pty Ltd 
4  ADG Consulting Pty Ltd  140  J Wyndham Prince Pty Ltd 
5  ADW Johnson Pty Limited  141  J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd 
6  AEC Group Pty Ltd  142  James Rose Consulting Pty Ltd ATF James Rose Consulting Engineers Trust 
7  Aerometrex Limited  143  JJ Ryan Consulting 
8  AJC Architects Pty Ltd  144  JK Geotechnics Pty Limited 
9  All Civil Media Pty Ltd t/as ProLead Plus  145  JLL Public Sector Valuations Pty Ltd 
10  Alliance Automation Pty Ltd  146  Jones Nicholson Pty Ltd 
11  Altus Group Cost Management Pty Ltd t/as Altus Group  147  Julie Marler and David Phillips trading as Phillips Marler 
12  APC Waste Consultants Pty Ltd  148  Kamen Engineering Pty Ltd 
13  APP Corporation Pty Limited  149  Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd 
14  Architectus Australia Pty Ltd  150  Kennedy Consultants Pty Limited 
15  Arkhill Industries Pty Ltd T/as Arkhill Engineers  151  Knights and McAuley Pty Ltd 
16  ARRB Group Ltd  152  Ktlyons Pty Ltd t/as Lyons Project Management 
17  Aspect Australia Pty Limited  153  Lambert & Rehbein (SEQ) Pty Ltd 
18  Aspect Process Services Pty Ltd  154  Lands Advisory Services Pty Ltd 
19  Aspect Studios Pty Ltd  155  Lion Systems Operations Pty Ltd 
20  Asset Technologies Pacific Pty Ltd  156  Loaney Family Trust t/as Oranasoft 
21  AT & L and Associates Pty Ltd  157  Locale Consulting Pty Ltd t/as Locale Consulting 
22  Australia Pacific Valuers Pty Ltd ATF The APV Unit Trust t/as APV Valuers & Asset Management  158  LT Urban Engineering Pty Ltd 
23  Australian Wetlands Consulting Pty Ltd  159  LT Urban Engineering Pty Ltd 
24  Australis Advisory Group Pty Ltd  160  Lucid Consulting Engineers (NSW) Pty Ltd 
25  B.G Cunningham & T.L Gill t/as Cunningham Gill Architects  161  Lyall & Associates Consulting Water Engineers a partnership of Lyall & Associates Pty Ltd and Scott Button & Associates Pty Ltd 
26  Balmoral Group Australia Pty Ltd  162  Macquarie Geotechnical Pty Ltd 
27  Barker Ryan Stewart Pty Limited  163  Marsh Pty Ltd 
28  Barnson Pty Limited  164  MasterPlan SA Pty Ltd 
29  Beca Pty Ltd  165  MBMPL Pty Ltd 
30  BG&E Pty Limited  166  McCallum Hydraulics Pty Ltd t/as McCallum Plumbing And Fire Consultants Australia 
31  BHI Architects Pty Ltd  167  Mecone NSW Pty Ltd 
32  Biosis Pty Ltd  168  Medical Architecture Australasia Pacific Pty Limited t/as MAAP Architects 
33  Bitzios Consulting Pty Ltd ATF The Bitzios Family Trust  169  Meinhardt Australia Pty Ltd 
34  BKA Architecture Pty Ltd  170  Melocco & Moore Architects Pty Ltd 
35  BMT Commercial Australia Pty Ltd  171  MGP Building & Infrastructure Services Pty Ltd 
36  Bokor Pty Ltd  172  Michael Davies Architecture Pty Ltd 
37  BOSUN Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd  173  Mike Brearley & Associates Pty Ltd ATF Brearley Family Trust t/as Mike Brearley & Associates Pty Ltd 
38  Brandon and Associates Pty Ltd ATF Brandon and Associates Unit Trust  174  Mike Ritchie & Associates Pty Ltd t/as MRA Consulting Group 
39  Briar Solutions Pty Ltd  175  Milestone (AUST) Pty Limited 
40  Bridge Design Pty Ltd  176  Mitbrand NSW ACT Pty Ltd t/a Mitchell Brandtman 
41  Bridge Knowledge Pty Ltd  177  MJM Environmental Pty Ltd 
42  BTB Architecture Studio Pty Ltd  178  MKJ Consulting Services Pty Ltd t/a KJ Planning 
43  C2Hills Investments Pty Ltd t/as C2Hills Consultancy  179  Mode Design Corp. Pty. Ltd 
44  Cambia Consulting Pty Ltd  180  Moir Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd 
45  Care Planning Pty Ltd  181  Moloney Solutions P/L ATF Moloney & Sons Trust 
46  Catchment Simulation Solutions Pty Ltd  182  Monteath and Powys Pty Ltd 
47  CCG Architects Pty Ltd  183  Morris Water Pty Ltd 
48  Chris Elliott Architects Pty Ltd  184  Morrison Low Consultants Pty Ltd 
49  City Plan Heritage Pty Limited  185  Navigate Planning 
50  City Plan Services Pty Ltd  186  NewScape Design Pty Ltd 
51  City Water Technology Pty Ltd  187  Nimbus Architecture and Heritage Pty Ltd 
52  Civsol Pty Ltd ATF Civsol Trust t/as Diversi Consulting  188  Northcroft (Australia) Pty Ltd 
53  CKDS Architecture Pty Ltd  189  Northrop Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd 
54  Clearsafe Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd  190  Norton Survey Partners Pty Ltd 
55  Clement & Reid Pty Ltd t/as Project Surveyors  191  Optimal Stormwater Pty Ltd 
56  CMS Surveyors Pty Limited  192  Orion Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd 
57  Complete Urban Pty Ltd  193  Otium Planning Group Pty Ltd 
58  Construction And Remediation Advisory Services Pty Ltd  194  OzArk Environmental & Heritage Management Pty Ltd 
59  Constructive Solutions Pty Ltd  195  P A Goldin & Associates Pty Ltd 
60  Conybeare Morrison International Pty Ltd  196  Paradigm Digital Pty Ltd trading as Atom Consulting 
61  Coote Burchills Engineering Pty Ltd t/as Burchills Engineering Solutions  197  Peter Andrews & Associates Pty Ltd 
62  Covaris Pty Limited  198  Pitt & Sherry (Operations) Pty Ltd 
63  Crossroads Civil Design Pty Ltd  199  Plandev Pty Ltd 
64  CT Management Group Pty Ltd  200  Planet Civil Pty Ltd 
65  Cubo Consulting Pty Ltd  201  Planit Consulting Pty Ltd 
66  D J Gabriel Consulting Pty Ltd t/as Signature Project Management  202  Planning Ingenuity Pty Ltd 
67  Daly.Smith Pty Ltd  203  Point8 Pty Ltd 
68  Damage Control Project Management Pty Ltd  204  Predrag Gudelj t/as EngHub Consulting 
69  David Anthony Crofts t/as Strategy Hunter  205  Premise Australia Pty Ltd 
70  Deicke Richards Architects Pty Ltd  206  Prensa Pty Ltd 
71  DEM (Aust) Pty Ltd  207  Pressure System Solutions Pty Ltd 
72  DesignInc Sydney Pty Ltd  208  Projectura Pty Ltd 
73  Detection Services Pty Limited  209  PSA Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd 
74  Devitt Consulting Pty Ltd  210  Rapid Map Services Pty Ltd 
75  DGP Water Pty Ltd  211  Reditus Consulting Pty Ltd 
76  DHI Water and Environment Pty Ltd  212  Regional Geotechnical Solutions Pty Limited 
77  Distinctive Gardens & Interiors Pty Limited  213  Regional Workshop Pty Ltd t/as Webber Architects 
78  Douglas Partners Pty Ltd  214  Rhelm Pty Ltd 
79  DTB Architects Pty Ltd  215  Richard Small & Phil Quinton Architects Pty Ltd 
80  Durkin Construction Pty Ltd  216  RoadNet Engineering Pty Ltd ATF RoadNet Engineering Trust 
81  Earthwise Environmental Pty Ltd  217  RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd 
82  EC Sustainable Pty Ltd  218  Sala4D Pty Ltd 
83  Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd  219  Salients Pty Ltd 
84  Ecodesign Pty Ltd  220  Savills Project Management Pty Ltd 
85  Ecoplanning Pty Ltd  221  Scott Fullarton Valuations Pty Ltd 
86  EDSICO Pty Ltd  222  Scott Harris & Associates Pty Ltd 
87  Elemental Architecture Pty Ltd T/as Sam Crawford Architects  223  SCP Consulting Pty Ltd 
88  Empire Project Management Pty Ltd  224  SHAC Pty Ltd 
89  Empower Engineers & Project Managers Pty Ltd  225  Shared Safety and Risk Pty Ltd 
90  Enspire Solutions Pty Ltd  226  Shepherd Services Pty Ltd 
91  Enstruct Group Pty Ltd  227  Shire Civil Design 
92  Envirofact Pty Ltd t/as The Environmental Factor  228  SJB Architecture (NSW) Pty Ltd ATF the SJB Architecture (NSW) Unit trading as SJB Architects 
93  Environmental Partnership (NSW) Pty Ltd  229  SJB Planning (NSW) Pty Ltd ATF The SJB Planning (NSW) Unit Trust 
94  Erbas and Associates Pty Ltd  230  SLR Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd 
95  Everick Heritage Pty Ltd  231  Spackman Mossop Michaels Pty Limited 
96  Exhibition Studios Pty Ltd  232  Spiire Australia Pty Ltd 
97  Extent Heritage Pty Ltd  233  Stantec Australia Pty Ltd 
98  FarmWeb Pty Ltd t/as Access Environmental Planning  234  Stark Engineering Consulting Pty Ltd 
99  FEFO Pty Ltd  235  System Solutions Engineering 
100  Figgis & Jefferson Tepa Pty Ltd  236  270Talis Consultants Pty Ltd ATF Talis Unit Trust 
101  Gallagher Studio Pty Ltd  237  TAR Technologies Pty Ltd 
102  Ganden Pty Ltd  238  Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects Pty Limited 
103  Garry Murray t/as Redbelly Landscape Architecture and Urban Design  239  Terroir Pty Ltd 
104  GAT & Associates Pty Ltd  240  The Transport Planning Partnership 
105  Genium Civil Engineering Pty Ltd  241  The trustee for Ben & Rachael Kenyon Family Trust T/AS Homewood Consulting 
106  Geoinventions Consulting Services Pty Ltd  242  The Trustee for Brewster Hjorth Unit Trust t/as Brewster Hjorth Architects 
107  Geoscapes Pty Limited  243  The Trustee for BWC GROUP TRUST t/as BWC Safety Pty Ltd 
108  Geosyntec Consultants Pty Ltd  244  The Trustee for Cromack Family Trust & Others t/as Ardill Payne & Partners 
109  Getex Pty Ltd  245  The Trustee for Dale C Carr Family Trust t/as Dale C Carr & Associates Pty Ltd 
110  GHD Pty Ltd  246  The Trustee For Eckford Johnson Partners Unit Trust t/as Eckford Johnson Partners Pty Ltd 
111  GLN Planning Pty Ltd  247  The Trustee for Knowwaste Trust t/as Knowwaste Pty Ltd 
112  Gondwana Consulting Pty Ltd  248  The Trustee for Space Design Architecture Unit Trust t/as Space Design Architecture Pty Ltd 
113  Gran Associates Australia Pty Ltd  249  The Trustee for The Geolink Unit Trust t/as Geolink 
114  GRC Hydro Pty Ltd  250  Thompson Berrill Landscape Design Pty Ltd 
115  Greenshed Pty Ltd t/as Living Turf  251  TK Business Group Pty Ltd 
116  Gregory Hill Architects Pty Ltd ATF Gregory Hill Family Trust t/as Hill Lockart Architects  252  Tobumo Pty Ltd t/as Jetty Research Pty Ltd 
117  Group GSA Pty Ltd  253  Tonkin Consulting Pty Ltd 
118  Gyde Consulting Pty Limited t/as Gyde Consulting  254  Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Pty Ltd 
119  H & H Consulting Engineers Pty Limited t/as Henry & Hymas  255  Total Drain Cleaning Services Pty Ltd 
120  Hames Sharley (NSW) Pty Ltd  256  Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd 
121  Haskoning Australia Pty Ltd t/as Royal HaskoningDHV  257  Triaxial Consulting Pty Ltd 
122  HDS Australia Pty Ltd  258  Turnbull Engineering Pty Ltd 
123  Hector Abrahams Architects Pty Ltd  259  Umbaco Landscape Architects Pty Ltd 
124  Herron Todd White (NAT Operations) Pty Ltd  260  Urakawa Jenkins Pty Ltd 
125  Hill PDA Pty Ltd  261  Urban Perspectives Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd 
126  Horton Coastal Engineering Pty Ltd  262  Virtus Heritage Pty Ltd ATF The Trustee for the Evenden Family Trust 
127  Hugh B Gage Pty Ltd  263  Water Technology Pty Ltd t/as Molino Stewart 
128  Hunter H2O Holdings Pty Limited t/as Hunter H2O  264  Webb Australia Group (NSW) Pty Ltd 
129  Hydrology and Risk Consulting Pty Ltd ATF HARC Unit Trust  265  Welsh & Major Architects Pty Ltd 
130  HydroSpatial Pty Ltd  266  WMA Water Pty Ltd 
131  Hydrosphere Consulting Pty Ltd ATF Howland Family Trust  267  WMK Architecture Pty Ltd 
132  HydroStorm Consulting Pty Ltd  268  WolfPeak Pty Ltd 
133  Hyve Designs Pty Ltd  269  Wood Research and Development (Australia) Pty Ltd 
134  IDSM Pty Ltd t/as Infrastructure Transaction Network  270  Woolacotts Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd 
135  Impact Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd  271  Worley Consulting Pty Ltd 
136  Indesco Pty Limited  272  Xyst Australia Pty Ltd 

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