
Phill Scott

Professional Indemnity Insurances – Part 3

We’ve mentioned in earlier articles, the need to do a proper risk assessment to determine the appropriate level of insurance cover. If for some reason you can’t effectively do that, it weakens your position should a tenderer indicate your required insurance cover is unreasonable. You may find that one or more respondents will seek to […]

Professional Indemnity Insurances – Part 3 Read More »

We’ve mentioned in earlier articles, the need to do a proper risk assessment to determine the appropriate level of insurance cover. If for some reason you can’t effectively do that, it weakens your position should a tenderer indicate your required insurance cover is unreasonable. You may find that one or more respondents will seek to

Professional Indemnity Insurances – Part 2

The concept of insurance dates back many centuries and is believed to have its roots in early China. Merchants ferrying goods down the Yangtze River faced strong rapids at certain points. Some boats would inevitably be overturned, and cargo lost. As a means of reducing risk, merchants would often agree to distribute their loads into

Professional Indemnity Insurances – Part 2 Read More »

The concept of insurance dates back many centuries and is believed to have its roots in early China. Merchants ferrying goods down the Yangtze River faced strong rapids at certain points. Some boats would inevitably be overturned, and cargo lost. As a means of reducing risk, merchants would often agree to distribute their loads into

Professional Indemnity Insurances

Professional indemnity insurance (PI) has come to our attention again. Councils are concerned as to appropriate levels required of their consultants. On the other hand, consultants feel that the levels required by councils (together with liability and indemnity requirements) are often not that reasonable. Further, Local Government Procurement (LGP) has learnt that insurers are becoming

Professional Indemnity Insurances Read More »

Professional indemnity insurance (PI) has come to our attention again. Councils are concerned as to appropriate levels required of their consultants. On the other hand, consultants feel that the levels required by councils (together with liability and indemnity requirements) are often not that reasonable. Further, Local Government Procurement (LGP) has learnt that insurers are becoming

Procurement Practitioners on the Canberra Stage

In mid-September, the 5th annual Future of Gov Procurement summit was held in Canberra. Local Government speakers included Marea Getsios, Manager of Procurement and Fleet, at City of Canada Bay, Anubhav Madan, Head of Contract Compliance and Optimisation, LGP and myself. Cathy Dizon, Strategic Procurement & Contracts Manager, SSROC, supported from the audience. Marea presented

Procurement Practitioners on the Canberra Stage Read More »

In mid-September, the 5th annual Future of Gov Procurement summit was held in Canberra. Local Government speakers included Marea Getsios, Manager of Procurement and Fleet, at City of Canada Bay, Anubhav Madan, Head of Contract Compliance and Optimisation, LGP and myself. Cathy Dizon, Strategic Procurement & Contracts Manager, SSROC, supported from the audience. Marea presented

LGP to Host WorldCC Member Meeting

Readers may be unaware that LGP is a corporate member of World Commerce and Contracting (WorldCC). Some of our staff are Fellows of that organisation and all LGP staff are members. This enables our staff to maintain professional development relevant to our work. For those of you genuinely keen to lead in procurement, you should

LGP to Host WorldCC Member Meeting Read More »

Readers may be unaware that LGP is a corporate member of World Commerce and Contracting (WorldCC). Some of our staff are Fellows of that organisation and all LGP staff are members. This enables our staff to maintain professional development relevant to our work. For those of you genuinely keen to lead in procurement, you should

Why Do We Evade Sales Representatives?

The world is changing, and supply chains are getting more and more complex. Do you know how your commercial supply partners can better support your council? Are you meeting regularly with your key supplier sales representatives? I’m conscious that in the interest of time, some procurement managers may be avoiding them. Even worse, they may

Why Do We Evade Sales Representatives? Read More »

The world is changing, and supply chains are getting more and more complex. Do you know how your commercial supply partners can better support your council? Are you meeting regularly with your key supplier sales representatives? I’m conscious that in the interest of time, some procurement managers may be avoiding them. Even worse, they may

Ensuring Stock Availability

Some months back, I wrote about Dealing with Inflation. Amongst the concepts was an “Allocated stock agreement with suppliers to hold a certain quantity of stock kept solely for you, then delivered and invoiced as you need it (also known as ‘Consignment Stock’ depending on where the goods are located).” I’ll expand on this and

Ensuring Stock Availability Read More »

Some months back, I wrote about Dealing with Inflation. Amongst the concepts was an “Allocated stock agreement with suppliers to hold a certain quantity of stock kept solely for you, then delivered and invoiced as you need it (also known as ‘Consignment Stock’ depending on where the goods are located).” I’ll expand on this and

Dealing with Inflation

I’ve faced various economic environments during my career in procurement. The 1980’s stand out in my mind as a period of high inflation and a strange form of opulence in some ways. Sales representatives were driving around in quite upmarket vehicles, businesses seemed willing to spend big, inflation was rife and supply chain issues common.

Dealing with Inflation Read More »

I’ve faced various economic environments during my career in procurement. The 1980’s stand out in my mind as a period of high inflation and a strange form of opulence in some ways. Sales representatives were driving around in quite upmarket vehicles, businesses seemed willing to spend big, inflation was rife and supply chain issues common.

Methods of Evaluating Price in Tenders – Part 2

This month we will continue explanation of the many methods to evaluate and compare offers. You will recall we listed the following methods in our February article: • Qualitative narrative In this edition, we cover three more options: • Matrix comparison (Comparative assessment & ranking) • Inverse cost • Brookes Law Matrix comparison (Comparative assessment

Methods of Evaluating Price in Tenders – Part 2 Read More »

This month we will continue explanation of the many methods to evaluate and compare offers. You will recall we listed the following methods in our February article: • Qualitative narrative In this edition, we cover three more options: • Matrix comparison (Comparative assessment & ranking) • Inverse cost • Brookes Law Matrix comparison (Comparative assessment